Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A Little Bit of Nothing

Tonight I came home, and made the choice to do nothing. 

As a working parent, there are a million things I need to do each evening to have us prepped for the next day and the rest of the week. And most of the time "a million"  doesn't even seem like an exaggeration. 

But today, today I was tired. Like completely drained, can't even focus to see what needs done next in my to do list, tired. So I said to myself "when I get home, I am going to do absolutely nothing". 

And so, I did. 

Except first, I picked up my day-care kiddo.
Then we went to the grocery store. 
Which meant I had to carry in bags and put away the groceries.
And then I cleaned out both girls backpacks.
Since the outside animals needed fed, the girls and I went to tackle that. 
Some weeds (somehow, in September?) needed pulled, so I worked on those while the girls played. 
Apparently some people in my house appreciate clothes to wear, so I threw in a quick load of laundry. 
And dinner - even an easy one - needed fixed. 
The girls clothes needed laid out for tomorrow and lunches needed prepped. 
I replied to two school emails and a friend's message that needed answered. 
The fort the girls built will need taken down before bed....

But I really did leave things undone.

When I fed the animals I noticed the goat pens need raked, but I decided that can wait til Saturday. 
Those clothes (now in the dryer) already know  aren't getting folded tonight. 
The dishes are only done because my husband is awesome.
And instead of sweeping the floors that really need done (because I actually decided Id do nothing last night, too) ...  I took a hot bath. 

I say all of that, to tell you this: if your "do nothing" looks anything at all like my "do nothing" - and chances are, it does - then it is okay to let yourself "do nothing" a little more often. 

Once in a while, make the choice to only do the "have to's" and leave the "should do's" for another night. Once in a while, give yourself a break (and even a pat on the back). Once in a while, do a little bit of nothing so that you're up to going back to doing all the things another day. ❤️

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