Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Ready, Set, Go!

If "procrastinator" has an opposite ... I'm that. At least on the things I enjoy. And turns out I enjoy "playing" in my classroom!

I realized quickly last year some things I could have done to have the room set up "better", "more functional", etc. So, this years goal is to be more functional, more organized, and more efficient -- but still tons of fun! ;)

Soooo, since our building opened on Tuesday, it has been a productive couple days as far as classroom setting up goes!

With doing the inclusion room we found out last year that it would have been SUPER nice to have two "pull tables". This will be my table - it's right next to my desk. *hopefully* It will eventually have exercise balls sitting around it to experiment with!
This is the filing system (found on pinterest) I'm trying ... folders for each thing: "to copy", "take home", "grade", etc. HOPEFULLY this will keep the countless papers from each day organized instead of in a giant pile on my desk! We'll see....

Here is my whole desk :) hopefully it will stay this clear....

On top is our team tubs the kiddos will pick up each morning with supplies for the day (sitting in them now are white boards I made by cutting apart the cheap cardboard folders from wal-mart and laminating them!) AND one of our new adventures this year, the student data binders, will sit on the shelves below! Right now they are in pieces - binders on the left, inserts on the right ... hole punching, here I come!

I loved the Kagan workshop I was able to attend right after school got out in May ... but I definitely need to review Kagan before school starts! To help me out, I put up cheat sheets of some of my favorite structures.

We always have kids absent and in and out of the room. Here is our new "While You Were Out" board - we'll put the papers we do that day in that days folder so kids will always know where to find them. And that's the second pull table - Angie's table! =)

Reading corner =)

Writing Center

This is the AR wall - kids will move their little surfer dude along the wave and to the beach as they work towards their goal.

Surfers for the AR wall - we'll put pictures of the kids faces so they won't be headless surfers ... and the kids can decorate!

I think we are off to a good start ... except I have nothing ready to actually teach! So, here's to getting familiar with our new writing program, reviewing our reading units, and getting my grading system up and going! =) Happy end of summer!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Reaching Out

"I would gladly do whatever is needed if only I knew what I needed to do!"

That's what I just said to my mom in the phone. And that's not the first time we've had a similar conversation. And it probably won't be the last. Because sometimes knowing what to do is really hard for me.

Sometimes I get so frustrated because I see a situation, I see someone struggling, I feel someone pulling back or pushing away, I see someone I want to reach out to ... But I don't know how.

Sometimes I want to help, to FIX, so badly, but I don't know what to do.

For someone who really likes to talk, it is amazing how often I am at a loss for what to say. ;)

Sometimes I don't know if it would be most helpful for me to jump in to a situation or stay out of it. Sometimes I don't know f I should say anything, let alone what.

Sometimes I don't know whether to keep quiet and risk losing an opportunity, or speak up and risk offending.

And then I remember verses like 1 Corinthians 3:6 that says "I planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the increase" and I remember that I'm not in this alone. And then I remember how much bigger God is than me. And I remember all that's required is I do my best for Him.

And then I say a prayer for wisdom and confidence.

And then I make a decision.

And then I pray, hopeful that I did the right thing. Hopeful that I planted the smallest seed or offered a trickle of water. Hopeful I did my part to make things better, to help, to encourage, to reach out.

And then, with a whole lot of help from God, and a promise from my Momma to tell me what to do as soon as she finds the magic solution, I wait for the next opportunity to reach out again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Flying By

Summer is wonderful ... and unfortunately much to close to being over! And I haven't even blogged about much of it! eek!

Seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how time flies by. And while I absolutely LOVE to blog and reflect on things -- lately it seems we have just been hurrying on to the next thing and the next!

Mom and dad hosted a wedding for a sweet couple at church, which meant LOTS of yard and housework -- so I've spent a lot of time out there helping. And it turned out BEAUTIFUL.
What a beautiful day! and Yard! ;) And people! 
I may have mentioned this before, but I am pretty in awe of my parents! :)

We've also been plugging away in our own yard - the people that built the house had done a ton of beautiful landscaping, but after living through several years of renters, there is lots of "reclaiming" to do! I had big plans to get it all accomplished this summer, but quickly realized the yard will be an ongoing project. Which is totally fine as long as we keep going! :). This is one of my favorite things we've done (just finished thanks to my wonderful hubby last night)! We can't wait to have people over to enjoy it with us! :)
I think I am so excited about this because I have soo many memories of gathering around the campfire at my parents house! 
I've also been a little busy spoiling one sweet little puppy! I sure was amazed when I took her to get groomed and then picked her up looking totally different....

But she is still the most adorable thing ever! =)

ANNNDD yesterday was also our two year anniversary! Can you believe THAT? 2 years and a house together later, we sure are learning a lot about one another! He's watched me through student teaching, my first year teaching, buying a house, moving, and lots of yard projects ... and he hasn't given up on my yet! So we must be doing okay ;).