Friday, December 2, 2022


I think it's the noise in our own heads we have to fight the most. 

The noise that says maybe we aren't doing enough. Or maybe we don't even know what we're doing. 

The noise that says too much is being asked of us. Or maybe we're giving too much of us. 

The noise that says we're better than that. Or we should be better than that.

The noise that says we aren't good enough. Or maybe we'll never be good enough. 

The noise that says it's all too much. We can't keep up. 

The noise that says maybe we could do a little bit more. If maybe we just did it a little better. 

Sometimes we blame it on others and lash out: our bosses, our coworkers, our children, our spouses, our parents ... 

Sometimes we try to drown it out, each in our own ways: mindless shows, busy work, overcommitment, shopping ...

Sometimes we let it infuriate us. 

Sometimes we wallow in it. 

So how do we rise above the noise? How do we trun it down? Or drown it out?

I think, perhaps, we can only truly drown out the noise wih our own, very intentional, whispers. 

Whispered prayers to God to help us find the balance of enough and not too much. 

Whispered readings of scriptures that remind us we are not alone. 

Whispered reminders that what's important is what God thinks, not others. 

Whispers of encouragement to others that find their way back to us. 

Whispers of thanksgiving for the things, and people, we have. 

Whispers of praise for a God who is helping us handle it. 

Whispered reminders that remind us we are loved despite our imperfections. 

The noise of the world sneaks in. The quietness of our God can drive it out. 

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