Then we added a second child. And whoa. Clearly I hadn't known what "busy" meant before. And, last summer when we added tball practice and tball games I was reminded that someday both the girls will be involved in things, and I'm sure I'll look back on this time and laugh at my 'Im so busy' self.
The thing is, we go through seasons. From our own status (single - married - parents and school - job) to life's ups and downs and the way we are functioning because of them. And goodness knows our kids (and therefore us...) go through seasons that vary from easy to "whoa, what were we thinking".
The thing about seasons is they don't last. They stay a while, and then they change - fleeting and often without much notice. Sometimes those changes are hard faught, other times were saddened to see them end. It just depends on the season.
So when my slight addiction to "browsing Etsy" led me to these, I knew I wanted this reminder.
It's going to live on my laptop where I'll see it almost every day so that it can remind me: this season, happy or sad or somewhere in-between ... It's going to pass just like all the other seasons before it. Lydia will only have this one season of being a new kindergarten. Raina is beginning a season of getting to do daycare with her cousins and some other awesome kiddos. I will only have this one season with my new group of school kiddos (and hopefully only this one season that involves Covid-19).
None of these seasons will last. But also, none of them will be wasted. Not unless we let them be. There is something in every season (often multiple something's) that makes me better for the next season. That's a God thing. But those things only take effect if I let them - if I'm paying attention and willing to be molded and "bettered".
So here's to this season - whatever one I've caught you in. Don't let it be wasted.
This is so true, Katie. I've also tried to live this way. I like the saying that 'No season is ever wasted.' Thanks for sharing.