Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Drama Momma

I sometimes (jokingky) tell my school kids to "Save the drama for your momma" ... But as it turns out, I was not prepared to be the Momma the drama is saved for 🀷🏼‍♀️.

Lydia: "I'm just devastated! How will I ever be a professional bug catcher when I grow up if I can't even find one bug?!" (Fake)cried as she came through the door from using her new bug catcher in the back yard.

Me: you want to be a professional bug catcher when you grow up?

Lydia: "No! Of course not! But what if I did?!" 

              - - - - - - - - - 1 hour later - - - - - - - - -

Lydia: "It's so romantic! It's so beautiful I could just cry! Isn't it wonderful?!"  She declared to absolutely no one (or rather, everyone) about the magnetic block tower she had built. 

           - - - - - - - - - 20 minutes later - - - - - - - - -

Me: Hey, can you put your trash in the trashcan instead of on the table?

Lydia: *loud sigh* "I don't think so. Can you help me?" *Increasingly sad sounding* "I'm just so helpless. It's all just so ..... hopeless!" *Begins fake sobbing*


I cannot tell you how many times I have to look to see if she's *actually* falling apart about something (like when out of nowhere she broken beartedly sobbed because "My class never even got to go to the pumokin patch" - which was something I thought we had dealt with months ago ....πŸ’”) OR if she is pulling my leg (like when she called me into the room panic crying about a spider and then grinned and laughed when I came in frantically πŸ˜’) OR if she is overreacting to something small (like when the bug catcher "broke" insighting heart broken sobs only to end in "oh, nevermind, I got the lid on right now" before I could cross the living roomπŸ™„).

No lie: all six of those examples occured in the same afternoon  Ya'll, this child of mine is going places ... I'm just not always sure exactly where those places are going to be. πŸ˜… 

Apparently, 5 years old might be an age full of drama 'round here. She feels big, she lives loud, and she certainly keeps us on our toes. I'm just here for the ride, soaking up all the moments and trying to figure out how to get us all through these hot-mess drama driven instances in one pieceπŸ˜‚.

I don't want to stifle or change any part of her ... But here's hoping we can tailor the drama bit at least a little. Lots of people have survived raising girls, so I'm pretty certain it can be done ... but I sure do find myself praying about it often πŸ˜‰.


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