Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Comfort Zone

Comfort is a wonderful thing. A necessary thing. A thing I am very, very thankful. Seriously. Comfort is my new home with heat and electricity and my favorite rocking chair I love to sit in where I can see the TV, look out the window, play with my bird, and cozy up under a blanket and drink my coffee. Comfort zone is my 4th grade classroom when no adults are watching and I just get to teach my kiddos.

Comfort is doing only the things I know already know I am good at .... And not being judged.

Unfortunately, comfort is also NOT doing things that scare me, not doing things that are hard, not doing things that make me, we'll, uncomfortable.

I read this quote somewhere the other day ... "If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough." And I got to thinking ... Is that true? Maybe more than I'd like to think!

Sometimes being comfortable comes at the expense of not reaching one's potential. Often times (at least for me) comfort is chosen over doing something that I probably should but that would place me firmly outside my comfort zone. Like talking to a stranger (or sometimes even scarier, a friend) about the gospel. Or trying something new. Or stepping up. I am really good (at least I try to be) at speaking for God through my example ... but I am not always very good at speaking for God through my mouth! Sometimes it is VERY hard for me speak up - especially if I fear it may cause a disagreement/confrontation. It may be hard, but as was recently pointed out to me in an awesome sermon, with God it isn't too hard.

Hear that? It is hard. Things WILL be hard. But, with God on your side, nothing is TOO hard. Nothing.

So here's to bucking up and stepping outside my comfort zone. Here's to leaving behind my sense of comfort and relying on God to bring me comfort as I strive to better serve him. Here's to being more vocal and accomplishing great things.

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