Tuesday, July 26, 2016


We live in a crazy world.

A world where "black lives matter" and we have to "stand behind the blue line".

A world where "Never Hillary" is shouted against "Never Trump" and there seems to be no good option.

A world that has somehow gotten the idea people can choose their own gender and that abortion is only about a woman's ability to make choices.

A world that *dares* you to try telling someone what to do. Or that they are wrong. Or that their actions may possibly have consequences.

A world where priorities are absent and askew and standards of morality are lacking.

But we aren't the first to be here. God has seen his people through such times before. Judges 17 tells of a time when there was no king and each one did what he saw fit "in his own eyes". And it is not a pretty picture.

You see, it is our eyes that are the problem.

We look through our own eyes. Do what is right in our own eyes. And we fall apart. Because our own eyes are not -  and cannot be - the standard.

It is when we look through Gods eyes ... strive to see things the way HE sees them ... That is when we are able to find the right path.

Here is a thought of comfort though ... God did not abandon the people in Judges 17. Do you know why? Because there is no sin that is more powerful than the power of God. Nothing we can do, no sim we can commit, is somehow more powerful than our God.

God is more powerful than the wickedness of this world. Period.

We have no need to fear. We may sorrow for the wickedness. We must stand up for the right. But we should not fear this world .... Because our God is greater.

So, perhaps we need to quit telling God how big the problems of this world are ... And start telling the world how big and powerful our God is.

#HEisbigger #powerup