I *always* decide that school will not get the best of me. It will not exhaust me to the point that I teach, come home and sit on the couch, order pizza, and do nothing else. It will not consume me. But lets face it, summer school is exhausting. Especially when its hot. Like walk outside for recess and 2 seconds later 5 kids have already asked you when it will be time to go inside kind of hot. It's really a no-win situation: take them outside, its hot. They sit in the shade and complain, teachers stand in the sun and wonder why we are all outside being hot. Stay inside: they get bored. Kids NEED outside time and trapping them inside is like ... well, trapping yourself inside a lion's den. Except instead of eating you, they pull at your clothes and say "teacher, teacher" and "can I? can I?" and "but HE did it..." eek! So today we compromised - morning recess outside, afternoon recess inside ... and I think we all survived! =)
In all actuality, I shouldn't complain. We have lucked out with 3 super awesome weather weeks for summer school - one week of being sweaty and slightly gross won't hurt me at all (maybe I will even sweat off a pound or two!)
Seriously. Life is a balancing act - and I'm working on it.
ALSO, I am proud to announce: summer school has NOT consumed me. Now, being sick over the weekend, that consumed me. But not school (feel free to cheer...). *regretfully* blogging has not been something I've done a lot of. But I have: walked (for exercise), and walked (for pleasure), studied my Bible a lot, cooked dinner (more than once), gone to countless baseball games, swam, taken a float trip, gone to a going away party, spent time with friends and family, attended a *wonderful* gospel meeting (that I promise I will do a post on soon!), looked at a ton of houses online, made appointments to look at houses in person, done some crazy planning for school in the fall, made 5 batches of homemade ice cream (my husband is currently obsessed ... so we make it like all the time! Which may be making all my walking pointless...), aaannndd *tonight* I made THESE:

Seriously delicious! Of course, mine are not nearly as pretty as the ones I saw on pinterest (I've gotten used to that..) but I'll sacrifice looks for flavor any day. They are mini apple pies!
I took crescent rolls (you know, the frozen kind you buy in a tube and then peel open but they never open so you end up banging them on the counter till the bird squawks and your husband rushes in to see what you are possibly doing and then they finally pop and you squeal because even though you knew it would happen you somehow forgot to expect it ... woo!)
then put apple pie filling on the inside. just a teeny, weeny bit. Then folded it all up (excepet for the 1 or 2 that refused to fold up nicely, so they are more like apple pie boats...)
THEN roll in cinnamon and sugar and bake according to the directions on the crescent roll package (that you'll have to carefully piece back together to read after all that ripping you did earlier...).
You can thank me after you try them!!
Also, I saw a version where a person had done the exact same thing only putting Nutella inside instead of apple pie filling -- could be awesome :).