Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Religion and Politics

I have a rule about not posting on overly controversial topics. I think that's still intact after writing this one.

Here's the deal: There is, thankfully, a separation of religion and politics. It's set up that way in the Bible (My. 22:21 - render to Ceaser the things which are Ceaser's and to God the things which are God's) and our country's founding fathers maintained this idea as they wrote the documents that govern our nation. 

I'm also, quite certain, we can be both excellent citizens of God's kingdom AND excellent citizens of our earthly country. Infact, I am quite certain we are expected to be both. 

And so, while I do back the separation of church and state, because my religion impacts every aspect of my life, if also impacts my politics. 

And here's how:

- I pray for our leaders because the Bible let's me know that's what I should do. (1 Timothy 2:1-2) ....but we all know prayer is deeper than words. Prayer is an attitude, a coming to God. And people, we can't pray for someone in authority and then turn around and say terrible, slanderous things about them. It simply doesn't work that way. 

- I respect our leaders because the Bible let's me know that's what I should do. (1 Peter 2:17) Respecting a person does not mean I agree with 100% of decisions made my a person. It doesn't mean I won't stand up against an idea, philosophy, or policy. However, respect does govern the WAY I make that stand. It tempers my words and my tone of voice. It stops me from reposting a meme or a degrading comment. 

- I search for the truth because the Bible let's me know that's what I should do. (Exodus 23:1 "You must not pass along false rumors ...".) There is a "say what I want" mentality in our society that has infiltrated the best of us. Guys. I don't believe it's okay. I should not say merely what I heard, or feel, or even think about another person or situation. I need to spread the truth. Not just the gospel truth, but also the truth about each situation or person I feel the need to all about. So, PLEASE "fact check" me. If I say something, share something, post something, help me make sure I am sharing real information. I do not want to spread lies or gossip or misinformation. 

- I pray about every decision I make because the Bible let's me know that's what I should do. (James 1:5 - If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God...). How to vote? Who to vote for? What to speak up in support of? What to stand against and how to make that stand? Those all have to be prayerfuly made decisions, because I don't have all that wisdom on my own account. 

-I follow God first, because the Bible let's me know that's what I should do. (Acts 5:29, Galatians 1:10). If you ask me what I "am" I will not first think to tell you my political affiliation. I am not, first, a republican, democrat, libertarian, or any other party member. I am, first and foremost, a Christian. And that fact changes the way I look at politics and politicians, talk about politics and politicians, and the lense that I look through when viewing them as well. 

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