Thursday, June 4, 2020


Today I needed to prep for a couple yard projects (not so much the fun kind, more the functional kind). With daddy working, my helpers and I headed out. 

We stained picnic tables. We chased kittens away from said picnic tables. We stained chairs. We restrained parts that were *accidentally* sat on... Phew.
Then we started removing landscaping to prep for some dirt to be brought in ... We moved rocks, we dug plants that had to be moved, we shoveled gravel....
And I almost started this post with the statement "I love working with my girls." .... But that isn't always true. I don't love every minute. I could have stained the tables and chairs faster and more evenly alone (and probably with less mess, too). Three shovels working in a small place at the same time (and with Raina... πŸ₯΄) was more stressful than I had imagined. And by the time we'd gotten to rock hauling? They alternated savaing worms and taking a break.
....a break I eventually had to stop working to save the kittens from πŸ˜‰.

And don't even get me started on the last 15 minutes when they found mud to play in. 🀦🏼‍♀️ I was totally on board with mud pies ... But I may have raised my voice a little as I took the hose to their hair (their hair!) before they came in the house.

Just when I may have started doubting my "the girls and I can get this done together!" attitude, I looked back at this guy powerwashing for me. 
This guy who only stopped a couple of times to fill up the gas tank and once to save a kitten from a tiny 2 year old when my hands were covered in picnic table stain. This guy who could outwork a lot of people by the time he was 12.

...and I know from experience he didn't get that way by sitting around watching my parents. He learned by doing, by being involved. 

So, no, I don't love *all* the moments of having my girls work with me. But I sure am thankful for them. 

I'm thankful for the time and opportunity to teach them how to do things and to show them how to work hard. I'm glad I get to be the one to help them find the balance between it's great to get dirty working, but maybe not so great to cake each other's hair in mud.

I'm glad I get to involve them and encourage their desire to help and learn. I'm glad they want to sing "Moana songs" while we dig up plants and talk about all the colors of the rainbow we could have been painting the picnic table to "make it look much more awesome" than the wood stain I was sticking with. 

And when Lydia called Raina over to help her dig "This root needs teamwork sis!" .... That's just the icing on the cake.

...and someday, when they are teens and can out work me ... I'm pretty sure I'll be thankful for that, tooπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰.

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