Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Bible Class

Ever since the Covid scare began to take force enough that church had to change some, my girls have been missing Bible class. I'm thankful that our congregation was able to continue meeting (though with heavy accomodations for a time) so we didn't miss out completely on gathering with the saints, but every single Sunday (and sometimes multiple times on a Sunday) I'm answering the question "Do we get to go to class today?"

 My girls love church. They love seeing their family and friends. They love singing. They love the idea of worshiping God. If we took out that whole me telling them to be quiet for parts thing, they would love it even more.

They don't not love the "quiet time" parts because they are bad kids ... They feel that way because they are little kids and don't yet understand all the quiet parts. Sermons are mostly over their heads (though Lydia is getting big enough to catch stories from some) and they aren't always able to attend to a long prayer. It's why having them there is so important to me - so that they can learn these pieces as they grow. 

But, I think that's why they love, and miss, class so much. In class, they DO get all the parts. The stories are told on their level. The activities engage their busy hands. The songs stick in their hearts and make them think. It's Gods word given to them on their level. And, right now, while they miss interacting with their friends and teachers, I think they are also missing the part of going to church that feels like theirs as opposed to "the grown-ups".

How important is it for me, then, to give them God's word on their level? For me to help them find ways to praise Him that are meaningful to their young hearts?


Learning about Him now - loving Him now - praising Him now - is how they are going to learn yoove to keep doing that forever.

Learning on their level, singing songs they understand the words of, doing activities that help them understand God's word better ... That's how they grow in their knowledge and understanding. 

That's why they love Bible class, and why it's so important to them. It's also why they love reading the stories of the Bible - because stories make since to them. It's God in a way thy "get".

So here's to more intentionally giving them God on their level ... Because I love nothing more than watching them grow in this way.

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