Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Meaning of a "Yes"

"One thing I think many moms find difficult is the fact that every yes us by definition also a no. A yes to time watching summersaults in the backyard is a no to a phone call, a glance through a magazine, or a bit if alone time. A yes to asking friends over for a time of encouragement is a no to free time you might have spent on yourself, rather than cleaning the bathroom, organizing your notes for the evening, or baking cookies to share. Yes to the car pool means no to sleeping in; yes to playing during bath time means no to your favorite television show ... And on and on it goes." -- Sally Clarkson from "Mom Heart Moments" (Which is a fantastic daily devotional I am enjoying reading thanks to a wonderful Christian lady who passed it my way!).

Ooohhh how hard this thought hits me. Frequently. Sometimes when I'm choosing between pleasures, when a yes to an extra long shower meant a no to sleeping in. But it also hits when I'm chosing between "things to do" and struggling to prioritize....when a yes to working outside means a no to cleaning inside. And it hits sooo often where my kiddos are concerned and a yes to going swimming means a no to doing laundry. And sometimes, sometimes it happens even when I'm choosing between very important things and a yes to helping someone with something means a no to quality time with my girls.

Sally Clarkson goes on in her devotional reading to remind me that "When we spread ourselves thin, leaving no time for snuggles and back rubs, Bible study and reading deeply, family vacations and Saturday afternoons at the park, our influence becomes diluted." 

And how true it is. When I run crazy all day and am impatient with my girls in the evening ... We're my "yes"s worth the "no"s? When I commit myself to toooo many things and end up feeling resentful or stressed..... Well, you get the idea.

I am NOT a stay at home and hole up person. I almost always encourage doing for others. BUT. But sometimes, we have to pause. Sometimes we have to reevaluate - check our priorities - and make certain that we are using our time. Spending it well on what's important to us, not waisting it on a million other things.

....and if you want to read more about how important consciously spending your time is, you can read about that in a throwback post, here. 😉

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