Sunday, February 10, 2013


...please excuse my sparatic posting! Seems like like is crazy and busy and crazy busy! Every "free" moment is spent on the house or watching basketball games ... it doesn't leave a lot of time to sit at the computer -- and I wouldn't have it any other way!

If you know me at all (or have read this at all) you already know that I pretty much have the best family ever. Not even exaggerating one bit. There are so many wonderful individuals that make up my family tree - and as a whole, they form a group that I am extremely blessed to be a part of.

One of these awesome individuals is my sister. She is amazing. 2 years older than me she has always been there for me both to pick on and look up to. We are best friends and really always have been. I taught her to crawl (she skipped that and went straight to walking), she taught me how to use watercolor paint on your stomach (I'm sure mom was thrilled!). We've talked about school and boys and friends and husbands and God together. We've learned from each other. In college we lived down the hall from each other and/or were suite mates (depending on the year) and would often come out of our rooms wearing the same shirt. Today at church we showed up in such similar outfits everyone noticed. We are just that awesome. SHE is that awesome. And I love her to death.

And every. single. day. when I am saying my prayers I say a special prayer for "my Heather". I pray for lots of things for her and it changes by the day. But I always, always add in a "thank-you part" for "my Josh".

I have never been more thankful to see someone come into my sisters life than I was when Josh came into the picture. There are many, many reasons behind that. Not the least of which is how awesome he is. They make a great pair! I truly believe they bring out the best in one another - and I am so thankful they have one another! And, I am also very thankful to have both of them. :).

Josh is one of a kind. He's a coin collector. A basketball coach. A brother. An explorer. A risk taker. A goofball. A storyteller. A teacher. A friend. A preacher. He pours his heart into his basketball boys and team. It amazes me what he is willing and able to put into those highschoolers who may or may not give a fraction of it back on any given day. They don't always win - but he stays positive and upbeat and keeps working hard. He teaches them more than just basketball. It's awesome to watch. He is someone my little brother can look up to - and does very much. I still feel like I'm getting to know him! I love learning from him and picking his brain. His Bible knowledge astounds me. His enthusiasm for each thing he decides to do is contagious. His devotion to God is inspiring. I could go on and on about this guy and the reasons I am glad he is part of our family.

But really, what this post is about is this:

Josh has a talent. An extreme talent. He is a preacher. His way with words never ceases to astound me. And this sermon is one of my favorites. If you are looking for a motivational speech, a "kick in the pants", an end to any excuse-making ... this is it. Listen to it. Really listen to it. And if9; it doesn't make you want to change for the better, well, you might want to listen again!

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis, thank you. You made me cry, though. Love you too!
