It's a silly way to honor her, and I still bawled while proof reading.
My mentor, my friend. So much of the teacher I am is because of the teacher and friend you have been to me! I have a hard time imagining next year, and the rest of my career, without your room, your wisdom, listening ear, and endless idea bank, to go running to. BUT I do know the team you have helped guide and build is strong and will think of you often as we keep doing what we do! ...and probably texting you quite a bit, also. Enjoy retirement - it is well deserved, and I look forward to hearing about all of your adventures!
(Click the picture to read the poem)
And, because writing silly things is my go to, here's a fun (still emotional tome) throwback ....
And a just for fun one - it wasn't sad because she still has to work with me (ha) - "The Melissa Keeney"
Katie, you are much too kind! I will always love and cherish my time at LWJE and especially our friendship! I will be around!