Its days like these that make getting out at 7:00 in the evening HARD. And sometimes - ahem, tonight - it's tempting to just stay in.
But then I remeber: I've never been sorry I went to church.
I've been exhausted enough to think about not going. I've been stressed and busy enough to think of other ways to use the time. I've been plum "mmmooommmmyyyy-ed out" enough I'd rather put the girls to bed and have quiet time rather than wrangle them more...
But even on those hardest to get out the door evenings, I've never been sorry that we pushed through.
Many times I've left rejuvenated by a good lesson. Often I've left greatful for a bit of good conversation and extra love. Usually, I leave with my priorities rebalanced and my head a little clearer. Always I'm glad I was there.
There is something about being with 'my people' and worshiping God together that is simply wonderful. There is no substitute for it - even during a week that has felt 18 weeks long. Especially on a week that has felt 18 weeks long.
How thankful am I for a place to gather, people to learn, worship, and love with, the chance to visit with friends, and a midweek reminder of all the good surrounding me.
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