Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Decision Makers

"When there is no clear right answer, everything you do is wrong." 

Those were the words of a local decision maker (whom I happen to think quite highly of) delivered with the slightest shrug of his shoulders yesterday as he matter of factly attempted to explain the strange situation he finds himself in these days.

It was a simple statement - even one I've heard before - but it struck deep yesterday and reminded me of something we so often "forget": All of our decision makers are only human, too. 

No govenor, no superintendent, no anyone attended a college class titled "What To Do When The Country Attempts To Shut Down Due To A Health Scare." No one offered or attended a training on "How to Educate Students During A National Quarantine". Everyone is just, simply, figuring all of this out as they go.

They are taking the data their shown, the common sense and smarts they have, their prior knowledge, their leadership know-how, and the pressure from a million directions, and making the best decision they can. THEN the information they were given changes and the reccomendation list is tweaked and half the people they are supposed to be leading ignore them and another third throws a fit, and so they rework and the rethink and they reattempt .....People, they are winging it. 

They are winging it to the absolute best of their 
abilities and with their absolute best intentions. They don't know what the beginning of next school year looks like any more than I do and yet while I get to stick my head in the sand and "wait to see" what comes, they are faced daily (or hourly) with plans that need made and decisions that won't wait. They aim to guide and please "the masses" because that is and defines a large part of their job. They (The ones I love) aim to protect our libertys while also trying to ensure our safety. They are taking the panic of many and balancing it with the common sense of few. They are trying so hard to do the right thing without knowing exactly what the right thing is.

And yet, because there is no clear right answer, everything they do is wrong. 

In "times like these" it's easy to become disgruntled and complain against our decision makers. And, while I think it's more than okay (responsible, even?) to question them and challenge them and point out other angles to them respectfully... Please remember to thank them, too. Thank them for doing their best and giving their all. Thank them for the time they are spending thinking things through from every angle. Thank them for the anxiety they are living with and the sleep they are giving up trying to find the right thing. Thank them for being willing to be the decision makers, because it's not a job all of us want.

While you're at it, pray for them. Pray for wisdom in making decisions, the strength to carry out those decisions, and the peace to live with the ones they make (while maybe even getting a little sleep at night).

Goodness knows, while there may be no right answer, I sure am thankful for a few right people who are working hard to help us all move forward towards where we want to be.

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Katie. Thank you for the prayers and support, always!
