"I would gladly do whatever is needed if only I knew what I needed to do!"
That's what I just said to my mom in the phone. And that's not the first time we've had a similar conversation. And it probably won't be the last. Because sometimes knowing what to do is really hard for me.
Sometimes I get so frustrated because I see a situation, I see someone struggling, I feel someone pulling back or pushing away, I see someone I want to reach out to ... But I don't know how.
Sometimes I want to help, to FIX, so badly, but I don't know what to do.
For someone who really likes to talk, it is amazing how often I am at a loss for what to say. ;)
Sometimes I don't know if it would be most helpful for me to jump in to a situation or stay out of it. Sometimes I don't know f I should say anything, let alone what.
Sometimes I don't know whether to keep quiet and risk losing an opportunity, or speak up and risk offending.
And then I remember verses like 1 Corinthians 3:6 that says "I planted, Apollos watered, and God gave the increase" and I remember that I'm not in this alone. And then I remember how much bigger God is than me. And I remember all that's required is I do my best for Him.
And then I say a prayer for wisdom and confidence.
And then I make a decision.
And then I pray, hopeful that I did the right thing. Hopeful that I planted the smallest seed or offered a trickle of water. Hopeful I did my part to make things better, to help, to encourage, to reach out.
And then, with a whole lot of help from God, and a promise from my Momma to tell me what to do as soon as she finds the magic solution, I wait for the next opportunity to reach out again.
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