Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mixed Feelings

We had a field trip today (my first as a "real teacher"). And it was SPLENDID. I love watching the kids experience new things, learn new things, go new places. I even enjoyed listening to their conversations on the bus rides to and from Jeff City. I did NOT enjoy the fact that busses make me sick. And the ride to Jeff City makes me sick. So, therefore, the bus ride to Jeff City had me feeling pretty nauseous from about 8:45 to ... well, I still am. And we've been off the bus for over an hour. :P. BUT that didn't effect our day - and we had a wonderful time.

Experiences like this help me remember why I love teaching:

They were doing MATH (long division in fact) on the window!

This is my favorite room in the capital - and I LOVED watching the kids listen and stare in amazement at the pictures!

Lots of walking meant the kids were pretty sure they were going to die of hunger ... thankfully Mrs. Giacolone had done this field trip before and new to bring snacks!

We ran into another group (2 of our other 4th grade classes) on our way to the Governor's Mansion -- you'd have thought the kids never get to see each other! ha!

Listening at the Governor's Mansion

Checking out the awesome museum!

Conked out on the bus ride home =)

Class picture!

My mixed feelings?! We don't teach social studies. There is no way to make that sound better than it is. Yes, I try with all my heart to "squeeze it in" to our CA class ... I try to pick reading passages that touch on government issues, bring in current events, teach history ... but it is NOT the same as having a time set aside for teaching social studies. And they desperately need that time. We went on this awesome field trip. My kids learned all kinds of stuff. But, when the lovely tour guides asked them questions like "Do you know who this picture is of? He was the only president from Missouri..." they didn't know the answer. And then the tour guides look at you like "uh, lady, did you know your kids don't know history?!" and you feel like the worst teacher of the century. Seriously. I OWE my kids more than that. They deserve to know. They NEED to know! *those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it*. 

So, while I definitely LOVED our field trip and am excited to talk to my kids about it tomorrow (we got back to school at 3:02 pm which left us zero time to talk about our day!), it also left me feeling a little sad and a touch guilty. Or a lot sad and a ton guilty, whichever :S. 

Guess I'll look for more time, more ways to "squeeze in" more social studies. Because seriously, "Science" is NOT an acceptable answer to the question "What do you learn in social studies" (that one wasn't in my class ... but still!!)

How do YOU cover everything you know your kiddos need to learn?! Any and all great tips welcome!!!

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