Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fairy-tale Beginnings

With several weddings/wedding showers happening this summer, I had a blast looking on pinterest for gift ideas.... this one was my favorite! I can't wait to experiment more with it and make ones that look better!

(Disclaimer: you will quickly realize I don't often come up with my own crafty ideas, I just copy other people's! Soo, here is where I got this one!)

This is easy: buy a canvas and some wood letters (I got mine at Wal*Mart). Super glue letters down saying whatever you want, and then spray paint the entire thing white. Turns out cute (I think anyway!).

I gifted a real flower in a pot with this one - as you can see below, fake flowers look just as cute sitting by it ... and they are harder to kill!)

These didn't photograph well thanks to lighting ... they are cuter in person!
Hopefully this message rings true for all the new marriages this summer! Love is a choice, not just an emotion. I'm quickly finding out marriage is FULL of choices. Choosing to love is a wonderful thing - and choosing to be dedicated/committed enough to keep love going is absolutely awesome. So, here's to a happily ever after :).

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Super cute! I may have to try it out for my own house!
