Friday, December 29, 2017

Grandpa's Poem

I firmly believe that if there were more people like my Grandpa in this world, the world would be a better place. It is not fun to watch him grow older and more feeble as his Parkinson's progresses .... but it is amazing and inspiring to think about all he has done in his life.

I wrote this for him for Christmas. Or, more accurately, I wrote it for me. =)


It doesn't take a genius
To look at you and see
That you must have quite a story
Your life has been telling.

It only takes one willing
To sit with you awhile
Listen to a story or two
And hear what's made you smile.

If he or she would take your hand
And examine close each wrinkle
Then look past the age your body shows
And watch your eyes -- they twinkle.

That person may soon start to see
Just how much you've given
The heart and joy and help you've shared
And those to success you've driven.

If one was lucky they could learn
How simple things you've done
Like keeping horses in the field
Have taught lessons and proved fun.

And if that one kept digging
They'd find out you've inspired
Through you're quiet, carefully chosen words

Many whom life made tired.

The way you've prayed and studied
To lead both church and family
A calm and steady pillar
Meeting the needs of a great many...

The times you've helped out others
Treated strangers as your kin,
Calmed, taught and played with youngsters
Helped and worked with grown men.

Then they'd begin to see the legacy
That you've created here for us
Of God and love and family
Of strength, grace, faith, and trust.

That person would be amazed to know
How with hard work and great love
Your life has been a sermon lived
For the good Lord up above.

You've pointed many towards Him
Helped and encouraged along the way
And raised a family to continue on
And with the Lord to stay.

No, It doesn't take a genius
To look at you and see ...
It simply takes one blessed enough
To be a grandchild like me.

Looking Back

Today I was looking at my phone and noticed my Blogger app ... I opened it up and realized I haven't blogged for over a year. Woops.

Since it's almost New Years, I looked back at this blog post I had written a couple of years ago when Lydia was little bitty ... and I realized, not much has changed.

Being Mommy is still my favorite. Even when "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" is yelled over and over again while I'm washing dishes or when I refold the same shirt 6 times because my 2 year old is helping fold the laundry...

Now the joys are multiplied by 2 and I get to watch my "big one" love on and cuddle my "little one" ... and I'm loving the baby snuggles AND the fact that Raina is a much better sleeper than Lydia ever was.

There are still things I am way  more awesome at than I was before I was a Momma ... mentally playing out each possible scenario in an effort to out think and out plan my 2 year old being one of my new super powers. And there are still things I'm working on - like remembering to take time for my own personal Bible study when I am awake enough to get something out of it.

There are wonderful moments like when Lydia declares "Mommy, God made Raina special just for us!" and moments that leave me searching for the right words like when Lydia asked "Mommy, did God make my bathtub, too? And did He build my house?" Moments that make me giggle and moments that leave me exasperated and exhausted.

And in all of these moments - both the blog worthy and the not so blog worthy - I am reminded of how blessed I am to be here, being Mom.