Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Vacation! =)

THIS was our trip laid out on a map.

The map shows you the cities we stopped in, the roads we drove on, the 3,000 + miles we traveled. It may even help you imagine the things we drove by. But it cant quite show you the beautiful scenery we saw:

Or the animals we got to see (which, okay, my phone camera can't really show you either - but I promise you we got some great pictures with "real" cameras!)

OR the awesome Veteran's Museum, Mountain Towns, Gold Mine, and Prairie Museum we stopped at.

It isn't capable of showing you the wonders of Chimney rock, Mount Rushmore, or the other amazing wonders and views we witnessed

It can't show you the heights we climbed to and from (and this wasn't the only - or highest - time!)

Most importantly it can't show you the outstanding people we met, the churches we visited with, and the outstanding company we kept:

It can't show you the memories made, the beauties seen, the love shared, the jokes, the laughter, the slap-happy-we'vebeeninthecartoooolong-moments, the things learned, the thankfulness we feel, the joy ... the map can show you the path we traveled, but it can't really show you the trip we took!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Just Enough Religion

In class Wednesday night, someone made the comment that "some people have just enough religion to make them miserable when they decide to play in darkness". That got me thinking ... and thinking often gets me writing ... so here is what I wrote last night =)

             Just EnoughReligion 

I had just enough religion not to mind
Sitting through church each Sunday morn and eve
Through the innocence of a child's eyes
Knowing God was effortless for me.

I had just enough religion that I knew
The things my friends did were not always right
Amidst the conflict of a young teens trying heart
Praying of then helped me get through the night.

I had just enough religion to feel bad
When I got sidetracked and caught up in the world
And as time and trials wore against my soul
More wickedness Satan at me hurled.

I had just enough religion to recall
That through His son God had laid out a plan
So that people such as I could find a way
This world and it's temptations to withstand.

I'll have more than enough religion to help keep
Heaven as the focus of my heart
Enough love for God to keep me serving Him
Til' time ends and we're never more apart. you have only enough religion to make you miserable when you chose to do things you know you shouldn't? Or do you have enough religion to keep you focused? Enough dedication to keep your life centered on God? All things are a choice. Our choice. My choice. your choice. Make the right one.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Warrior Wives

This is a blog I recently started following - and I am soon enjoying reading her thoughts! I thought this was a great post. I think that in most aspects of bout lives, neglect is the most dangerous thing. Generally speaking we don't actively try to sabotage ourselves ... But often we set ourselves up for failure by neglecting the things that are most important.

Read it. Think about it. :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Not a popular blog post...

***Please remember, all of the thoughts expressed come from my personal study of the Bible. If you have questions, concerns, or disagreements, please feel free to contact me! =)

Somewhere during the middle of the end of school craziness I overheard a few discussing some various, um, "extra curricular activities". During the point of the conversation, one person said something along the lines of "I mean, this is 2013! Who even cares, anyway?!!"

*Insert sad, shocked face here*

Who cares? Because its the year 2013? Oh, just someone kind of major ... You know, like GOD.


I think sometimes we LOVE the fact that God cares when we are sad, upset, alone (you know, 1Peter 5:7 - "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you") ... And we forget that God cares about other things, too ... Like when we sin. 

Like it or not there are things (things that are very prevalent in our world) that are sin. Big, ugly, unflattering sin. And God cares when we sin. In fact, He cares a whole lot! 

God cares when fornication is committed - 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committees fornicaton sinners against his own body" (also look at 1Corinthians 7:2, Hebrews 13:4, Galations 5:19-21). Do you realize what fornication is? It is "voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarrried persons". Do you know how prevalent that is in our world? Do you realize how accepted and even EXPECTED it is? Do you realize how SINFUL it is?! Do you realize it could be the difference between heaven and hell for many, many people?! 

God. Cares.

God cares when drunkedness occurs - Ephesians 5:18  very clearly says "do not be drunk with wine..." (also look at Galations 5:21, 1Peter 5:8, Titus 2:3, 1Corinthians 6:10). Do you know how prevalent drunkedness is In our culture - and I don't think this is referring solely to alcoholism, but rather to getting drunk in general. Do you realize how accepted and even expected drinking is In our couture? Do you realize how SINFUL it is? Do you realize it could be the difference between heaven and hell for many, many people?

God. Cares.

And of course, there are things like lying (Colossions 3:9), stealing (Ephesians 4:28), and hating (1John 2:9). A lot of these things we consider "little" ... You know, a little white lie? A person that hates you right back? But the Bible teaches us that there are no "degrees" of sin - each sin could cost us the same thing: Heaven. 

If there is sin in our lives, it is actively keeping us out of Heaven. THAT'S how much a God cares. Galations 5:19 reads "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, unclean ness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in times past, that those who practice such things will NOT inherit the kingdom of God."

So tell me, is that drink worth not going to Heaven? Is sexual immorality worth an eternity in Hell? Is lying worth trading your soul for? Because God cares ... And that isn't changing just because the year is 2013. 

The spectacular news is God cares when we sin because He cares about our souls. And because He cares about our souls, He made a plan to help us out - He sent His son to die on the cross for our sins (John 3:16). For me. For you. So,that when we realize we are in sin we can come back to Him ... we just need to 1) hear God's word - Romans 10:17, 2) believe - Mark 16:16, 3) repent - Acts 2:38, 4) confess - Romans 10:9-10, and then 5) be baptized - Acts 22:16. 

God wants us all to make it to heaven. God cares. And because God cares, I care ... And hopefully you do, too.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Sometimes I am a hard worker ... Like last week when I spent every day shoveling truckloads of gravel into my flower beds to get the landscaping around our house looking beautiful. Sometimes I am lazy ... Like today, when a trip to Wal*Mart felt like a really super accomplishment ... And was the only accomplishment of the day!

Sometimes I am silly - like the other when I laughed (at myself) til I was crying. Sometimes I am too serious - take myself to seriously - and get offended or upset at little, silly things.

Sometimes I am tidy and keep my car neat and the bed made and the dishes done. Sometimes I am scattered and messy ... Like, well, don't look at my kitchen right this second. 

Sometimes I am so enthusiastic and on fire for God ... And other times the world threatens to close in and has to be fought off.

Sometimes I am consistent with this blog. Sometimes I am ... Not. Apparently. Whoops! So, here is to a summer of being consistent ... Starting ... Now! =)