Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Learned From the Best

My momma is many, many things. Wife, daughter, sister, mother, Christian, friend, teacher, listener, crafter, gardener, cheerleader ... the list goes on and on. On Monday, she will also be the birthday girl. The big 5-0. 50. Not to long ago 50 seemed like ... ancient. But as I've grown up and watched many people grow older it has become evident that 50 isn't really that old (Im sure mom would appreciate hearing me say that). When dad turned 50 he said "I was thrilled to make it to 40 ... 50 is an even greater blessing!" ....and Im sure mom feels the same way! I love that my parents have more spunk, life, and drive, than some parents do ever ... and I especially love (and feel blessed by the fact) that they have devoted a huge amount of that spunk, life, and drive to me! So, just to remind you how awesome my mom is, here 50 things I've learned from my momma in the 22 of her 50 years I've gotten to share with her (and keep in mind these are only a few things I can think of off the top of my head ... so there are, undoubtedly, many many things I will think of immediately after hitting "publish" on this post).

1. God is the most important thing. Put Him first.
2. Family rocks. You need them, so treat them well.
3. Little things matter most.
4. It's fun to be there for the big things - you won't be if you weren't there for the little things.
5. Sometimes what people need most is for you to just be with them.
6. Kids are our worlds future. They matter.
7. Hospitality is a huge deal.
8. Seriously. Open your home to people.
9. You can only get out of something what you put into it.
10. Your always learning something ... It just may not be what you expected to learn.
11. Pray. And then pray more.
12. Singing makes everything go quicker - especially washing the dishes.
13. When you feel like giving in, buck up instead.
14. ....except for the times when your really need to give in. Listen to your body. Your no good to anyone else if you are sick.
15. Doing for others is always worth it.
16. The right thing and the easy thing are seldom the same thing. Do the right thing.
17. It does no good to say something in a way a person can't hear. Chose your words and tone wisely.
18. Stand up for what is important.
19. Be passionate and don't apologize for it.
20. ...but think before you speak.
21. Often it is best to just be quiet.
22. It pays to be a people watcher.
23. Good food brings people together.
24. There are few things better than good conversation.
25. Listen to old people. They have important things to teach us - and awesome stories, too!
26. Document the past - there will always be things to learn from it.
27. Read. A lot.
28. Give people the benefit of the doubt - they deserve it.
29. Meet people where they are at. That is the only way you can help them.
30. Perception is reality.
31. Laughter is great medicine.
32. Scripture running through your mind can get you through many tough times.
33. Read the Bible. Study it closely.
34. All the knowledge in the world cannot profit you if it isn't applied.
35. Being "right" isn't always the most important thing.
36. Have reasons for what you do. It is never good to change course with every breeze that blows.
37. Be available.
38. People are more important than things.
39. Don't waste time wallowing in self pity.
40. Make time to play - housework will always wait for you.
41. Give your best. Every time.
42. Being outdoors is healing. Nature is beautiful - pay attention to it.
43. You cannot live in fear, so live in faith instead.
44. God has a plan. Be patient, it will happen in His time.
45. It pays to keep a clean house ... You never know who might stop by.
46. Everyone is good at something.
47. There is never a time to panic ... It doesn't help anything.
48. A wife's job is to be a submissive help meet ... Equal emphasis on both parts
49. Treat people like you want to be treated, and children like real people - because they are.
50. If your focus and heart are in the right place, and you are working towards the right things, the rest will fall into place. I said, there is more. But you're probably tired of reading....

I am blessed beyond measure to be learning from the very best!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Amidst the daily questions of "am I good enough" and "am I doing enough" and "does what I'm doing really matter anyway" and "what will happen if..." It is nice to be reminded that there are people working for the good of our kiddos by realizing the good of our teachers has to be supported.

A wonderful teacher sent me this article ... and I love it!

"In order to cater to the whole child, you need whole teachers."

It is well worth the read - if only to remind you that there is hope, there are people working for good, there are people who see needs and are stepping up to fill them.

And whether you're in the business of educating our kiddos or not, everyone can appreciate a reminder to "be the rainbow in someone else's cloud" --Maya Angelou

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Comfort Zone

Comfort is a wonderful thing. A necessary thing. A thing I am very, very thankful. Seriously. Comfort is my new home with heat and electricity and my favorite rocking chair I love to sit in where I can see the TV, look out the window, play with my bird, and cozy up under a blanket and drink my coffee. Comfort zone is my 4th grade classroom when no adults are watching and I just get to teach my kiddos.

Comfort is doing only the things I know already know I am good at .... And not being judged.

Unfortunately, comfort is also NOT doing things that scare me, not doing things that are hard, not doing things that make me, we'll, uncomfortable.

I read this quote somewhere the other day ... "If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough." And I got to thinking ... Is that true? Maybe more than I'd like to think!

Sometimes being comfortable comes at the expense of not reaching one's potential. Often times (at least for me) comfort is chosen over doing something that I probably should but that would place me firmly outside my comfort zone. Like talking to a stranger (or sometimes even scarier, a friend) about the gospel. Or trying something new. Or stepping up. I am really good (at least I try to be) at speaking for God through my example ... but I am not always very good at speaking for God through my mouth! Sometimes it is VERY hard for me speak up - especially if I fear it may cause a disagreement/confrontation. It may be hard, but as was recently pointed out to me in an awesome sermon, with God it isn't too hard.

Hear that? It is hard. Things WILL be hard. But, with God on your side, nothing is TOO hard. Nothing.

So here's to bucking up and stepping outside my comfort zone. Here's to leaving behind my sense of comfort and relying on God to bring me comfort as I strive to better serve him. Here's to being more vocal and accomplishing great things.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Sooo, if there was an award for being good at blogging ... well, it would definitely not be going to me! I am not the most consistent ... sorry 'bout that :(. Sooo if you are reading this you are obviously awesomely loyal and love me a lot ... kudos! ;).

It's funny how some times I feel like I am so, so busy -- when really, I'm probably not doing anything different than I usually do ... but, ya know. We HAVE had busy weekends, Rob's been sick, AND my lovely angles at school have been, well, less angelic.

Seriously. It is like hormone central in my classroom. No one is getting along. No one is happy. At least one person cried every day this week. We had boyfriend/girlfriend drama (please remember I have 10 year olds in my class! oh man!). Blame it on sicknesses going around, hormones, a week with two short days (due to the fact that our girls basketball team is AWESOME and took 3rd in state!), too much inside recess, time of year ... whatever you want. All I know is it has NOT BEEN nearly as much FUN as usual! And it makes me tired. Booo ...

Soooo, I see some serious team building exercises in our immediate future!

Also, I am no good at big decision making - and I have been trying to decide if and what to get my masters in ... and well, that is just two to many decisions for me to enjoy! ha!

BUT on a bright side, Rob is feeling some if not much better, my lovely sister and her hubby are coming over for a bit tomorrow to see our "all moved in" house for the first time (like I said, our weekends have been busy), aaannddd I get to come home to this every night ...